Tèrra Aventura

by Comité Régional du Tourisme Nouvelle-Aquitaine



Take one hiking GPS, the very best of the Terra Aventura universe*, 450 epic quests and what do you get? New Aquitaine’s official Geocaching Mobile App! Main features :• Discover 450 free and amazing adventures, to be experienced with family, friends, or on your own. • Explore breathtaking and unexpected places and learn all about the region’s heritage.• Answer riddles and collect Poïz badges.• Enjoy a fun and educational “multi-cache” approach. • Publish your discoveries and photos. Follow our news and other players’ evolution on your mobile phone. • Unlock original and fun success badges as you evolve in the game.Bonus quests (in French):• Piece the Wiseman Stone map together.• Find the nine banners of Terra Aventura’s lost countries• Unveil the precious Wisemen Parchment• Find the stolen objects by Bad Poï’z• Discover the missing natural ingredients of New Aquitaine• Build the Poïz spaceship, by gathering the 12 pieces that make up the cabinNew in June 2020 :Beginning of the 10th season of Tèrra Aventura with 27 new adventures, including two cycling quests!* Tèrra Aventura is a fun spin-off of a world-famous activity called “geocaching”. An outdoor treasure hunt that will take you on a journey to the world of Poïz : tiny creatures with minds of their own! Ready to give terra Aventura a try ?Official website :https://www.terra-aventura.fr?langcode=enFollow us on Facebook :https://www.facebook.com/terraaventuraFollow us on Twitter :https://twitter.com/terraaventura